CEPOL Research & Science Conference 2022 MRU, Vilnius

OSINT and Cultural Property Crimes.
06-09, 09:00–09:20 (Europe/Vilnius), Lecture Room 1 - I-417

Cultural property is a crucial part of the identity in any state and a sector with significant economic value. So, protecting it from criminals, seeking economic benefits, or any attack in which the objective would be the people's own identity (e.g. armed conflicts or terrorist attacks), is an essential duty for law enforcement agencies.
There is a vast dark market focused on the antiquities trade. If we compare it with other illicit businesses, this black market's main character is the mixing capacity with the legal market. This leads to a significant increase in the difficulties during investigations.
We must also add to this the fact that digital tools have changed the way of life and the way of businesses, and people undertaking criminal activities have not been left out of this.
In this regard, law enforcement agencies need to develop scientific knowledge and IT capacities in cooperation with academics and society to face the continuous challenges in this area.
OSINT techniques are one of the most valuable tools in this regard, such as carrying out provenance investigations, which are crucial to identifying and proving any object's illicit origin.
This presentation aims to show a quick view of the issue to foster the development of new academic research and investigations in the area.

Archaeologist, Law Enforcement Agent and PhD Candidate in Law.

Police Officer, Aerial Support Section, Madrid Municipal Police, Spain.

20 years of policing experience, with specific focus on investigation, intelligence and collaboration with civil society. Agustín has a longstanding experience in criminal investigation, with collaborations with other police forces and agencies. He has worked for different local police forces and held briefly a position at FRONTEX as AST-4. He has participated as a speaker at the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) on the police response to undocumented migrants in Spain and on a project on the detention of people with learning disabilities. He has delivered several trainings for police on OSINT, tactics and other subjects. Agustin is currently studying Criminology and is passionate about OSINT and intelligence.